
Tokenomics and Staking

100,000,000 Total Supply

36% to V1 holders = 36,000,000

64% left over ( See below for breakdown )

20% ( locked for 3/6/9/12 months 5% increments for rewards)

Total remaining 44% of TS

34% Injected into Uniswap upon launch

10% held for exchanges ( team decides if this is locked or readily available with these tokens being noted in a wallet to be seen by public as CEX )

Tier levels are corroborated with V.I.S.I.O.N. upgrades and access-

Tier 1 =1,000,000 1% of TS ( Gold )

Tier 2 = 500,000-999,999 ( Silver )

Tier 3 = 250,000-499,999 ( Bronze )

One thing we dislike is to feel like we can not profit from our investment so, we've created investor fluidity in our tier structure. This allows for individuals to sell some of their investment and still retain their access level for V.I.S.I.O.N.

Last updated